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Guernsey From The Air

Gigi has just had her first holiday! A road trip around England and Wales and a month long stay in Guernsey, where she got to finally after 4 months, meet lots of her family.

Shannon is from Guernsey and I lived there for 9 years so it was lovely to go back and see the beautiful island through Gigi's eyes, for her it was all about meeting her family and for us it was for getting reacquainted which just how stunning the island is. When you live somewhere it is quite easy to take it for granted, this time we took time for cliff walks, bike rides and leisurely kayak trips... however the best way to appreciate the island is to view it from the air!

Here are some of our favourite images from our drone...

St Peter Port


Icart & Saints Bay


Fort Grey

Island Views

Fort Hommet

Rousse Tower

Pembroke Bay & The Beach House

Moulin Huet

Harbours & Boats


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