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Bali- Kuta

Nov 28th - Dec 4th

Back in Kuta, with the scooters safely dropped off we spent the rest of our trip relaxing and being relaxed with various massages, as said previously, it can be as little as £4 for an hour, not all massages are relaxing though, some make you feel like your being pulled in a way you didn't think your body could move, but it's an enjoyable experience none the less.


We spent time lazing at the hotel pool or catching a wave at the beach. Or browsing the shops at The Beach Walk, or even watching a movie or two at the premium cinema, where waiters bring your food to you and the seats fully recline and your provided with a blanket to keep cosy. From eating at our best place Sky Garden to going all out at Jamie's Italian Kitchen we were never hungry.

Kana hotel
Kuta beach
Beach Walk
Premium cinema is a must!
What the..?!?!
Jamie's Italian Kitchen

Views of Kuta from the Sky Garden

The staff at the Kana Kuta were just delightful and we made friends with the lovely Uma here.


On our final evening, Shan and I went down to the beach to watch Shaun and Jodie's plane take to the skies, the runway sticks out onto the sea and we could actually see their plane. We stayed at the beach for one of our all time best sunsets... a great end to a magical trip!

amazing sunset
amazing sunset
amazing sunset

And then it was our time to leave too, the hotel ordered us a taxi, we checked for our flight, through a rather long queue then we were on our Emirates 777 to Dubai for a short lay over before arriving back in Glasgow, where we had departed from 15 months before.

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