Driving 1 hour from Rotorua to Matamata where we registered at the i-site and waited on our bus which would drive us out to the hills where Peter Jackson once flew over scouting for the perfect location. Our Hobbiton Movie Tour was $88 each.
The set was taken down after the first movie but the farmers asked for it to be kept permanently after the next movie set was built as so many tourists were coming to the land in search of Hobbiton anyway.
We were spellbound and thought it so pretty and intricate. . We couldn't stop smiling the whole way through. The guide gave us ample information on the movie and the set but we were busy taking over 200 photographs of all the hobbit holes, lakes, Green Dragon pub, hobbit doors, and clothes lines as it was all so cute and mesmerising.
Enjoy the shortened version of the mass photos we took....

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost- J. R. R. Tolkien
Cameras used: Canon G7X, Sony HX50, GoPro Hero 5 Black