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Australia, Australia, there's nothing quite like Austral-e-aaa!!

5th Jul 2011 - 7th Jul 2011 5th July- We are in Australia! Our flight landed about half 7 in the morning then we got to passport control and queue wasn't too bad and to our shock we only got a normal stamp in our passports no fancy visa which is a shame, then we got bags and queued to pass through customs which we had heard was very strict and we could see then opening everyone's cases, then it was our turn and as we were connecting from Brisbane to Cairns we got to walk right through- nothing searched! We got a bus to the domestic terminal and checked in then through security, had breakfast and boarded our last flight to Cairns which took just over 2 hours. We were both so tired, we had a little sleep on the Singapore flight but we stayed up most of time Shannon watched films and I read my new book by Jill Mansel called To The Moon And Back which is really good. We finally arrived in Cairns and got a taxi to the YHA youth hostel which we had read up on. We got a private room with shared bathroom for the quite expensive price of £45 a night. We slept the whole day and got up at 8pm and went to a Mexican and they had a special offer of all you can eat chilli so we both had that and a stubby.

6th July- G'day! Had a long lie then went to the shopping centre across the road, Shannon got his stitches out at a clinic and he feels fine. We wandered about and found a 'British shop' selling iron-bru, hula hoops, thorntons toffee, pot noodles and lots more we found it funny because we have read so many people's blogs and they say they get crisps sent over from UK or are desperate for home comforts and here we were surrounded by them- I think I want a job in that shop! We made an appointment for the bank tomorrow to sort out a bank account. We had a big lunch of chinese foods so at night just got noodles and lazed about. Ps. A huge Happy Birthday to my lovely Mum!! Xx 7th July- I got up early to wish my mum a happy birthday on Skype then back to bed and we slept until 2.45pm!! Lazy lazy lazy people. We took a long walk to a recruitment agency and we will email then our CVs and they'll help find us work, we are still unsure if we will stay in Cairns for work or just chill for a bit longer then head somewhere else. We walked back via the esplanade and it's true there are people playing volleyball and out socialising it's really cool, me and Shannon think we might take up jogging too here. Dominos pizza for dinner then chilled again. Love Bruce and Sheila xx

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